It may be freezing elsewhere in the US but it's been spring time in Northeast Florida for a few weeks now. Since mid-February my allergies announced the annual arrival of pollen, and my yellow dusted car confirms it. We've had some very dry weather here and I've been waiting for some cloudy overcast days to get out and visit some of the parks to capture the new spring growth that is everywhere. With the arrival of the redbuds, azaleas, and dogwood blooms, I think Spring is almost over.
One of the most spectacular places to view azaleas is Ravine Gardens State Park in Palatka. I make an annual trek out there but so far I've only hit the peak once, back in 2007. Today was overcast so my good sense told me to venture out to test my luck. Many of the azaleas have started to bloom in the neighborhood. When I arrived the person on duty told me the blooms are so-so. Looks like next week the majority of the blooms will pop. With the nice light I was able to have a good time anyway. Many of the red azaleas were blooming, but the classic magenta flowers were mostly in buds.