My Real Florida

Messages from home
Originally for the Southlight Gallery Exhibit to benefit the North Florida Land Trust, March 22, 2018

These are the paths, trails, and scenes that surround my home in Northeast Florida. You may know these places, either because you live here or you know similar places where you experience local nature. Places become defined not by what they are but by who we are.

As I chose the initial images for an exhibition for the North Florida Land Trust in 2018, I had several ideas for a common theme to tie everything together. The process became more complex as I started to shift my own focus to what was important to say and therefore show. My final edit had everything to do with my feelings and why I go to nature for therapy and rejuvenation, as I require more of that in recent days. My thought is that you may be in need of this too. Hopefully you will find some peace and solace in viewing the photographs and better yet, visiting these special places. Since the exhibit I have added images to the collection. This I hope to do as I find more to love in Florida.

I expect the landscape to change over time. Florida’s natural spaces are vulnerable and subject to the developer’s hand. If these places are important to you, then action is required to protect them not only for ourselves but for future generations. Support those people and organizations who are making a difference. Become an active steward of your beloved land. Thank you.